
Ambrosia Blue - I Wanna Fight About It (mastering), Panic (mastering)
Andrea Doria
- Take Responsibility! (recording, mixing, mastering), Worth a Million in Prizes (recording)
Andrew Nelson - And Bones Will Wither and The Earth Decay but for A Moment Dust is Holy (digital and vinyl mastering), And Bones Will Wither and The Earth Decay but for A Moment It’s Christmas (mastering)
Arcadia Grey - Her name engraved (recording, mixing)
Ardea - so far gone (mastering), let it all go (mastering), Best Ride (feat. Benna)(mastering)
Arik Fritz - Death By Electric Kite (mastering), Summer Bummer (mastering)
Art Of Conversation - Sunset Of My Mind (mastering), Velvet (vocal tracking, mastering), A Dream To Hold Onto (recording)
Billy Gunther & The Midwest Riders - Live From Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering)
Binary Sunset
- Deerfield (mastering)
Bombastic Dream Pussy - BDP (recording, mixing, mastering)
Books On Tape - In Waves (recording, mixing, mastering)
Bottom Bracket - Unsavory (mixing, editing, addition recording), Rainbow In The Rearview (mixing, editing, addition recording), Camouflage (mixing, editing, addition recording), I’m So Afraid Of Where (mixing, editing, addition recording), Bottom Bracket - Live at Ohmstead (City Pigeon Session) (recording, mixing, mastering)
Boyfrienders - Midwest Alive In Nightmares (mastering), First Person Singular (mastering)
Buena Cara - Buena Cara LP (mastering)
Bumper Cars - saline dreams (mixing, mastering)
Casa Blue - Casa Blue (mastering), Decay-Rest-Bloom-Thrive (mastering), Suficiente (mastering)
Complainer. - Harsh Weather, Worse Traffic (mastering)
Convenient, Trash. - Pooch (recording, mixing)
Cosmic Sans - as well (mixing)
Crooked Spires - Gorge (mastering), Stroke of Havoc (mastering)
David J Mund - Down The Line by Beach Fossils [COVER] (mixing, mastering)
Doctor Daisy - New York (mastering)
Dogleg - Melee (guitar tracking, editing), Live from Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering), Dogleg x Worst Party Ever Split EP: “GO” (recording, mixing), Neon Glow (Dogleg) -alchemist rats beg bashful (remixes) (recording, mixing), Collected [vinyl] (vinyl remastering)
Dogsneeze - Freak Out! (recording, mixing, mastering), Milkman (recording, mixing, mastering), C.B. Discount (recording, mixing, mastering)
Dojo Security - A Little Security (drum recording)
Drive To Arcadia - Falling Down/Let Me Know (recording, mixing, mastering)
Easy Beach - Selena Gomez/Blurry (recording, mixing, mastering)
Everything We're Not - Unforgotten Forgotten Love (mastering)
FinalBossFight! - Winter Coat // Shorts (mastering), FBF! (mastering)
Flight Patterns - Flight Patterns (mixing)
Foreign Lungs - Calling Out (mastering)
Former Critics - Ring Of Salt (recording, mixing, digital and vinyl mastering)
Free Throw - Hot Mulligan / Free Throw - A Decade Under the Influence (mixing, editing), Hey Ken, Someone Methodically Mushed The Donuts (Re-recorded) ft. Tades Sanville (engineering for Tades Sanville feature)
GET TUFF - in sickness and in hell (mastering)
Ghost Coasts - Juniper // The Safe Word is Pineapple (recording, mixing, mastering), Cabin Fever (mixing, mastering), Rosebud (recording, mixing mastering), WHAT (mastering)
girl songs - NEW (mastering)
Gloomco - Gloomco.01 (mastering)
Glory - Pieces Of History (recording, mixing, mastering)
God’s Hate - Two Cent Circus by Missing Link (engineering for Brody King feature)
Golden Hymns Sing “Hurrah” - The Great Dystopian Songbook III: Songs For The Homeland (mastering)
Greet Death
- Live From Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering)
Grey Matter
- Rebel Girl (mastering)
Handgrenades - Live from Eureka Records Session (recording, mixing, mastering)
Harrison Gordon - Live at Beat Kitchen [City Pigeon Session] (recording, mixing, mastering)
Harvey Waters - Soft (mastering), Dearly Somber // Harvey Waters (mixing and mastering for Calderas and Apathy), Air Sits Heavy (mixing, mastering)
Henry True - Live to Tape at Summit House Studios (recording, mixing, mastering)
Here For Now Podcast - Season 1 (production), Season 2 (production)
Hot Mulligan - Hot Mulligan / Free Throw - A Decade Under the Influence (mixing, editing), Hot Mulligan / saturdays at your place - Cooking Wine (mixing, editing), Hey Ken, Someone Methodically Mushed The Donuts (Re-recorded) ft. Tades Sanville (engineering for Tades Sanville feature)
Human Garbage - Valley’s Most Hated (Brody King guest vocal recording)
Ian Stirton - Moons of Neptune (recording, mixing, digital and vinyl mastering, production), Something Just Like You (mastering)
In A Daydream - This Side of Purgatory (drum and guitar recording, mastering), I Was A Victim Of A Series Of Accidents (recording, mixing, mastering)
It Doesn't Bother Me
- It Doesn’t Bother Me (recording, mixing, mastering), Live from Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering)
Jack M. Senff
- Live from Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering), Low Spirit (recording, mixing, production)
Joe K - Kaminski 1 / The 4-Track Recording (mastering)
KiDDO - Haste (mixing, mastering)
Koopa Kid - Songs Your Parents Would Like! (recording, mixing, mastering) and A Very Koopa Christmas (recording, mixing, mastering)
Kuzcotopia - Live to Tape at Summit House Studios (recording, mixing, mastering)
Labour Day Weekend - I Don’t Want To Die EP (mastering)
Little Visits - Live From Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering), Tomorrowtown - typographer remix (mastering)
Liveletter - Trees (recording, mixing, mastering), Soul to the Side (mastering)
Looming - Live From Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering)
Maz - No More Sad Songs (vocal mixing and editing) and Throwaways (mixing, mastering, production)
Matt Grodus - Down The Line by Beach Fossils [COVER] (mixing, mastering)
Matthew Harmon - Kaleidoscope (mastering)
Michigander - Amazon Music Twitch Stream/Live From Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering)
Mikie Mayo - shit4brainz (mastering), Piña Colada II (mastering)
Missing Days - Firework (mastering)
Missing Link - Two Cent Circus (feat. Brody King)(Brody King guest vocal recording)

My Girlfriend Beru - Fugitives (recording, mixing, mastering), Terrified Son (recording, mixing, mastering), Swallow Up Chicago (recording, mixing, mastering), Demon Devices (recording, mixing, mastering)
Ness Lake - double (mastering) i lean in to hear you sing (mastering) voice of three (mastering), berries go (mastering), Hz 2 (mastering), Tractor Beam of Love (mastering)
Nico Swan
- Hip Hop Clowns (Original Cast Recording)(vocal tracking, mixing, mastering)
No End In Mind - Covered in Blood (engineering), Dream Of The Seventh Circle (engineering)
No Fun Club
- No Fun Club (recording, mixing, mastering), Standard of Living (recording, mixing, mastering), Tourist (recording, mixing, mastering), Live from Eureka Records Session (assistant engineer), Regressing (recording)
Normal Park
- Singles (recording, mixing, mastering), Everything Must Stay (recording, mixing, mastering), this was it (recording, mixing, mastering)
Obsrvr - Lens (drum recording, mixing, mastering), Live From Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering), Balance (drum recording, mastering)
Outta This World Booking
- Michigan Locals Volume 1 (mastering)
Painted Friends
- Falling in Love (piano and drum recording)
Parkway & Columbia - Transmissions (recording, mixing, mastering), Company Calls Epilogue (recording, mixing, mastering), Wanderer (recording, mixing), Jaw (recording, mixing), Fool (recording, mixing), Live From Eureka Record (recording, mixing, mastering)
Pet Me - Pet Me (mastering), Ghost (mastering), Abomination (mastering)
Poindexter - Poindexter EP (mastering)
Potionseller - Potionseller EP (assistant drum engineering)
Pretoria - Fat Chance (mixing), Where Will The Night Take Us? (drum tracking, mixing, aux percussion, aux synths/keys)
Reach Row Throw GO! - Hope I’m Wrong (mastering)
RENT STRIKE - Burn It All! (mastering), Live From Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering), M​ö​bius Strip Mall (mixing, digital and vinyl mastering)
Robo Pumpkin - Tougher Times (mastering), From Away (mastering), yourhouseistheonlyplaceifeelathome (digital and vinyl mastering)
Rot Knot - Feed the Flies (mastering)
Runaway Brother - Live to Tape at Summit House Studios (recording, mixing, mastering), Bedhead X (mastering), Want You Need (mastering)
Saturdays At Your Place - Something Worth Celebrating (recording, mixing, digital and vinyl mastering), always cloudy - EP (recording, mixing, digital and vinyl mastering), Hot Mulligan / saturdays at your place - Cooking Wine (mixing, mastering, editing)
Seaholm - Stay Young Forever (recording, mixing, mastering), Live to Tape at Summit House Studios (recording, mixing, mastering), Home (recording, mixing, mastering), and I Thought It’d Be Funny EP (recording, mixing, mastering), It’s Raining Outside (recording, mixing, production), Live From Eureka Record (recording, mixing, mastering)
Sebastian and The Mood - LOW//LIGHT (mixing [basement song], mastering), Basement Song (reimagined)(mastering)
Secret Grief - Tempus (recording, mixing, mastering, production), Live From Eureka Record (recording, mixing, mastering), Bloom (some recording, mixing, mastering), Mutual Attraction X Opposite Direction (recording, mixing, mastering)
Seth Beck - June (mastering for Do You, Fall, and Inside)
SHOPLIFTER - Bastard (mastering)
Shore Fires - Eyes, Elsewhere (mastering), Longing (mastering)
Shortly - Live From Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering)
Small Comforts - Somewhere In Between (mixing, mastering), November (mixing, mastering)
Soloveichik - Live From Eureka Records (recording)
Stop Watch - Stop Watch EP (recording, mixing, mastering)
Teddy Roberts and The Mouths - Live from Eureka Records Session (assistant engineer)
Tequila Mockingbird - Titania (mastering), Crunching Numbers (mastering)
The Blisters - Live to Tape at Summit House Studios (recording, mixing, mastering)
The Casper Fight Scene - Good Deal (recording, mixing, mastering)
The Fever Haze - Slouch (recording, mastering), Slouch: The Summit House Mix (recording, mixing, mastering)
The Kelseys - Beyond Repair (mixing, mastering) and Summer Light (mixing, mastering)
Thick Paint - Puddle Splashers (live at Ohmstead)(recording)
Tommy Kessler - Berserker (mastering)
Trey Connor - Live From Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering), Live From Eureka Records II (recording, mixing, mastering)
Up All Hours - Live From Eureka Records (recording, mixing, mastering)
Vena Morris - Oh, Joyless (recording, mixing, mastering)
Visk Mono - It’s Art (mastering)
Wake Up Spaceboy - Hartsel Days (mastering), Each Set Sold Separately (mixing, mastering, production, additional instrumentation), Sparkling Water (mixing, mastering, additional instrumentation, backing vocals)
WatchingTheAerial - Collateral & the Death of Neon (music composition), The Greatest Long Take You’ve Never Seen (music composition, voiceover mixing/editing), Why OBLIVION Refused to Settle For Green Screens (music composition, voiceover editing, interview restoration), SE7EN & How 35mm Scans Lie to You (music composition, voiceover editing)
Worry Club - I Suck (mixing, mastering), Worry Club - Live from Bottom Lounge (mixing, mastering)
Worst Party Ever - Dogleg x Worst Party Ever Split EP: “GO” (recording, mixing), Dartland (recording, mixing, production)
WTLB - FALL (mastering)
xRGB - Refraction (mastering)
Zeinah - I Should Know Better (mixing, mastering)

Record Labels:
Acrobat Unstable Records
Chillwavve Records
Count Your Lucky Stars Records
Creator-Destructor Records
Death Wish Inc.
Good Luck Charm Records
Hibernation Circle
Lavasocks Records
No Sleep Records
Old Press Records
Run For Cover Records
Skeletal Lightning
Triple B Records
Triple Crown Records
Wax Bodega
We're Trying Records
1212 Records

credits via